Monday, 19 November 2012

Story about finding love on the internet!

What if a person that you never met, never even saw is the right person for you.

10 Years ago if you told people that you met you lover on the internet that would have been wierd.
Now its socially just as acceptable as meeting someone anywhere.

Afrikaans dating online gives afrikaans speaking people the chance to meet other afrikaans singles online.
The place to go if you want to meet other afrikaans speaking people!

Elke pot het 'n deksel!

Afrikaans Online Dating

Monday, 27 August 2012

How to make a million online

Ok, so whats this blog about?
I’m an average 21 year old guy.
In this blog I will tell you how you can and how I’m making a million using only a PC and a internet connection.
A bit about myself:
3 months ago I was still studying Industrial Psychology and Labor Relations.
Decided that I had , had enough.
Just couldn’t see myself doing that for the rest of my life.
I hope this blog will help you break free and start earning obscene amounts of money.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Osiris Customs: New Ford focus ST

Osiris Customs: New Ford focus ST: What is it? The 2013 Ford Focus ST picks up where the SVT version left off after the 2004 model year by transforming the pedestr...